
Group W's clients face complex problems that defy straightforward solutions but they have the vision and the resolve to confront them nonetheless. Meaningful analysis requires a reasoned approach to assessing these complex problems, asking the right questions and developing insights that lead to the right answer.

Analysts apply a variety of approaches to address complex questions. Some analytic methods decompose a problem into its constituent elements while other approaches take a more holistic view. Statistical and mathematical techniques are often applied but since many genuinely complex questions involve human behavior, social methods must also be considered. Most commonly, a blend of approaches appropriate to the specific question is used to leverage the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses of each method.

The most important insights are often subtle and sometimes even counter-intuitive. Discovering pivotal insights requires an environment that demands openness to new points of view, the intellectual resilience to push tirelessly against a seemingly insoluble problem and a culture that values truth above all other goals.

Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge.

- Winston Churchill

Skillful application of the art and science of analysis to complex problems improves the understanding of underlying phenomena and relationships. Successful analysis meaningfully informs decisions on actions that will realize better outcomes. Exceptional analysis incorporates the practical realities of the situation. An ideal solution that cannot be implemented might be an interesting topic for further research but is not a useful answer for decision makers.